Thursday, June 03, 2010

Gross National Happiness Conference in Vermont

John de Graaf spoke at the Gross National Happiness conference in Vermont this week. John is the national coordinator of Take Back Your Time, an organization challenging time poverty and overwork in the U.S. and Canada (see He is the co-author of the best-selling Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic. John has written two other books and numerous magazine articles and has been active in promoting GNH. He has worked for 33 years as a filmmaker with 15 films shown in prime time on PBS. His latest film, What's the Economy for, Anyway? was shown at the GNH 2010 conference.

Gross National Happiness USA envisions a sustainable future, based on the use of a comprehensive set of social progress indicators that reflects our American values and truly supports life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

In general, those who work a shorter workweek are happier, as they have more time for friends, family, pets and themselves. People for a Shorter Workweek supports GNH-USA, and we encourage you to check out their web site to learn more about this organization.